Class: IMCSDiagramEditor


new IMCSDiagramEditor(settings)

Creates a new JavaScript graphical diagram editor with layout capabilities.
Currently the diagram editor has the following restrictions:
  • only orthogonal lines are supported;
  • no inner boxes (box-in-a-box);
  • only one diagram per HTML page;
  • several canvas are used, however, canvas size is limited to the visible area, while the diagram can be much larger.

The built-in default layout manager is activated by default, thus, the diagram is adjusted automatically in such a way that boxes and lines do not overlap. The default layout manager can be replaced by a user-defined layout manager or even switched off for manual mode (where the diagram is not adjusted).

To minimize diagram adjustments and repaintings, the diagram IS NOT refreshed after any single operation such as addBox, addLine, updateBoxLocation, updateLineLocation, etc. Multiple modifications should to be performed in bulk, and then the refresh() function has to be called explicitly.

Instead of just adjusting the diagram, it can be re-arranged from scratch by calling resetLayout.

Name Type Description
settings object a JavaScript/JSON object contatining configuration settings for the diagram. The fields are:
diagramDivHTML div element id, where to put the diagram
readOnlya boolean value denoting where the diagram is read-only or editable
backgroundColorbackground color of the diagram, e.g. "#f0f8ff"
paletteElements an array of palette elements in the format:
  reference: <a number representing the id of this palette element>,
  className: "PaletteBox" or "PaletteLine",
  picture: "a/path/relative/to/<script-folder>/images"
onNewBox an function to be called when a new box is being created from a palette element; this box has to be explicitly added to the diagram via addBox (or ingored, e.g., if this box is not allowed)
function (palette_element_reference, x, y, width, height)
onNewLine an function to be called when a new line is being created from a palette element; this line has to be explicitly added to the diagram via addLine (or ignored, e.g., if this line is not allowed)
function(palette_element_reference, source_box_reference, target_box_reference, points)
points is an array in the form [{x:x1, y:y1},{x:x2,y:y2},{x:xN,y:yN}]
onElementsMoved an function to be called when some boxes and/or lines changed their positions
each element in the array is in the format:
  reference: <a number representing the id of this diagram element>,
  location: "width;height;left;top" for a box or "N\x1,y1\x2,y2\xN,yN" for lines
TODO!: className, width, height, left, top, points
onElementsSelected an function to be called when the set of selected boxes and lines changes
each element in the array is in the format:
reference: <a number representing the id of this diagram element>,
onElementDoubleClick an function to be called when a double click is performed on an element
reference is a number representing the id of the clicked diagram element
onElementRightClick an function to be called when a right click is performed on an element
reference is a number representing the id of the clicked diagram element
onDiagramRightClick an function to be called when a right click is performed somewhere on a diagram, but not on an element
onceReady a function to be called when the diagram loading has been finished and the initial layout has been performed
showPleaseWait a function to be called when the diagram needs to display some message and block user input (e.g., to inform the used to wait while the diagram is being re-arranged)
hidePleaseWait a function to be called when the "please, wait" message is not needed any more



Adds (or updates) a box to (in) this diagram editor. Call refresh() after finishing adding boxes and lines to adjust (incrementally) the diagram.
Name Type Description
obj object a JS (a repository) object representing a box. The fields are:
referencea number representing the id of this box
locationbox dimensions and coordinates in the form "width;height;left;top" //TODO!
stylebox style in the form
shape: "Rectangle" or "RoundRectangle" or "Package" or "Note" or "Circle" or "Triangle" or "HorizontalLine" or "VerticalLine",
Alternatively, style value can be a string in legacy AZ node style encoding.
compartmentan array of compartments, where each compartment is in the form:
reference: <compartment id>,
input: "compartment text",
style: {
alignment: "left" or "center" or "right",
fontSize: <number in pt>
fontWeight: "bold" or "italic" or "normal",
} // alternatively, the style can be a string in legacy AZ compartment style encoding
elemTypeundefined or [{caption:"HorizontalFork" or "VerticalFork"}] for specifying a fork


Adds (or updates) a line to (in) this diagram editor. Call refresh() after finishing adding boxes and lines to adjust the diagram.
Name Type Description
obj object a JS (a repository) object representing a line. The fields are:
referencea number representing the id of this line
locationline coordinates in the form "N\x1,y1\x2,y2\xN,yN" //TODO!
start[box-object] or [{className:"Node",reference:<id>,elemType:undefined or [{caption:"HorizontalFork" or "VerticalFork"}]}] //TODO! startNode
end[box-object] or [{className:"Node",reference:<id>,elemType:undefined or [{caption:"HorizontalFork" or "VerticalFork"}]}] //TODO! startNode
styleline style in the form
shape: "None" or "Triangle" or "Diamond" or "Triangle" or "Arrow",
Alternatively, style value can be a string in legacy AZ edge style encoding.
compartmentan array of compartments, where each compartment is in the form:
reference: <compartment id>,
input: "compartment text",
style: {
fontSize: <number in pt>
fontWeight: "bold" or "italic" or "normal",
placement: "start-left" or "start-right" or "end-left" or "end-right" or "middle-left" or "middle-right",
} // alternatively, the style can be a string in legacy AZ compartment style encoding

getBoxesSet() → {set-of-references}

the set of box ids in this diagram editor; the set is in the form { <box-reference1>: true, <box-reference2>: true, ...}

getLinesSet() → {set-of-references}

the set of line ids in this diagram editor; the set is in the form { <line-reference1>: true, <line-reference2>: true, ...}

lineExists(reference) → {boolean}

Checks whether the line has already been added to this diagram editor.
Name Type Description
reference number line id
whether a line with the given id exists


Re-arranges and repaints the diagram (asynchronously). In manual mode (when no layout manager is preset) the diagram is just repainted.
Name Type Description
fAfter function a function to be called after the diagram is repainted


Removes the given box from the diagram (and from internal layout structures). You may wish to call refresh() after deletions to adjust the diagram.
Name Type Description
reference number box id


Removes the given line from the diagram (and from internal layout structures). You may wish to call refresh() after deletions to re-arrange the diagram.
Name Type Description
reference number line id


Re-arrange the diagram from scratch using the given arrangment name. Call refresh() then to repaint the diagram.
Name Type Description
name string “UNIVERSAL”, “SYMMETRIC”, “VERTICAL” (for an edge a→b the layout algorithm will return y_max[a]≤y_min[b]), “INVERSE_VERTICAL”, “HORIZONTAL”, or “INVERSE_HORIZONTAL”; if name not specified, the diagram is only adjusted incrementally.


Visually selects the given diagram elements.
Name Type Description
arr array array of boxes and/or lines to be selected; each array element must have the reference attribute


Sets the built-in default layout manager. Useful from switching back from the manual mode to the semi-automatic mode, where the diagram is automatically re-arranged on refresh.
Name Type Description
skipAdd boolean whether to skip adding existing boxes and lines to the default layout manager (they are added by default); perhaps, this option is only useful when other coordinates will be assigned to existing boxes and lines right away

setLayoutManager(layout, skipAdd)

Sets user-defined layout manager or switches to the manual mode (if no manager is specified). In manual mode, diagram won't be re-arranged on refresh; boxes and line may overlap.
Name Type Description
layout object user-defined layout manager implementing the same API as ICMSDiagramLayout or null for the manual mode
skipAdd boolean whether to skip adding existing boxes and lines to the user-defined layout manager (they are added by default); this option is useful if the user-defined layout manager has been already initialized with the existing boxes and lines

updateBoxLocation(reference, x, y, w, h)

Updates location of the given box. Call refresh() after updating all box and line locations to adjust the diagram.
Name Type Description
reference number box id
x number new left coordinate
y number new top coordinate
w number new width
h number new height

updateLineLabelLocation(reference, x, y, w, h)

Temporarily changes location of the given line label (=line compartment) on the screen until the next refresh (since adjusting the diagram moves line labels).
Name Type Description
reference number box id
x number new left coordinate
y number new top coordinate
w number new width
h number new height

updateLineLocation(reference, points)

Sets points for the given line. Call refresh() after updating all box and line locations to adjust the diagram.
Name Type Description
reference number line id
points array array in the form [{x:x1,y:y1}, {x:x2,y:y2}, {x:xN,y:yN}]